
They Paved Paradise

A few weeks ago, we saw workers taking out many of the trees as we walked down Gangnam Daero. I assumed they were going to put them in a tree museum and charge us a dollar and a half just to see 'em. See those large black poles running down the side of the street? That's what they replaced the trees with, and they have CCTV security cameras in the top. People are fined if they impede the flow of traffic by parking in the third lane. More interestingly, the sidewalk sides of the posts have computers in them for the use of passersby. One of the features is Photomail, which takes your picture, allows you to decorate it, add a message, and email it to someone. It's almost worth the price of admission to the tree museum.

Here's a Photomail example.
On a sadder note, Mike and Angie, who we met in our first month in Korea, have returned to Canada. Temporarily, we hope, as Mike will complete his Education degree at Queen's University in June 2010. Hopefully, the promise of Coffee Bean chai lattes, our treat, will lure them back.

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