
Worth a thousand words

A common sight in Seoul's downtown core, graphics on buildings range from six-story flowers to twenty-story corporate logos.


Happy Anti-Earth Day

This just in from our legal team in Canada...From the grassroots level in Saskatoon to the yellow dust of Seoul, and on the heels of yesterday's massive scam, we wish you a very joyous Anti-Earth Day. Long may you fill the stratosphere with chlorofluorocarbons!


Happy Earth Day

It has been a long time since we posted here. We have no excuses to offer for our shameless inertia. Indeed, at times we have even relished our cyber-sluggishness. Or did relish it, until receiving one mother of a guilt-trip. So now we're back, with a vengeance, dear OOFALWOvians. Let the panoply of pith and plethora of pulp proceed.