
Lift the ban

We've written on here before that the hardest part of living overseas is missing the people. Friends and family are what we miss most, even more than that amazing breakfast we have some weekends at Calories, when Deanna gets the Eggs Benedict with spinach, and the Hollandaise sauce is creamy but doesn't smother the eggs, which are poached softly to perfection, so that the yolk oozes slowly out to soak into the bread. And I order Bagels and Eggs, seasoned expertly and baked long enough to crisp the bagel, but never long enough to dry out the eggs, which are washed down with cup after cup of the house blend coffee, always served at the perfect temperature when the first sip is on the verge of nuclear fusion hot. Yeah, it's the people we miss most, some of whom communicate at regular intervals, either by phone or email, forming a much appreciated and anticipated part of our weekly schedule. And then there are the brothers, all indubitably articulate and blessed with the gift of the gab, yet inexplicably incommunicado. Well, Mark, Ian, and Chris, consider this a cyber-call-out - don't make me get on the blog and tell the loyal readers of OOFALWO that our brothers don't love us anymore.

1 comment:

mark said...

Ian gets the sign?! Now you're giving me some ban-worthy material. What's your effin number again? seriously- pls email it & I'll call. Later, guilt tripper.